Activity: Orient Around God's Story

Activity for Lesson 1:

For this lesson’s activity, I would like to encourage you to spend some time in prayer as a response directly to God for His Story. Just think: God has chosen you to be a part of His Story! He has welcomed you as one of His children. Take a moment to marvel in these amazing realities.

If you like to journal, use the workbook page below to write down your worship and praise to God for who He is, items of thanksgiving for what He has done for you, any prayer requests you might have in response to this Story, and/or a dedication of yourself for His plans and purposes. If you do not like to journal, I encourage you to still take time to close your time in prayer and praise. 

With this as our backdrop, I hope the following lessons will help to bring this Story into the daily narrative of your life and your relationships. See you in Lesson 2!

Lesson 1.pdf
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